Thursday, May 5, 2011

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incidence of diabetes in the world of the first, second in the world decease rate of hypertension, cardiovascular disease deaths of the world 1 / 5. medicine abuse, environmental pollution,beijing escort, food and other factors caused by microbial achieve imbalance is becoming one of the greatest threats to people's health. For this location, the National Development and Reform Commission Director, Centre for Public Nutrition and Development in Xiaodong, today announced the lawful launch of the public nutrition improvement OLIGO (European power multi-) project, aims to convenient and effective nutritional method to discourage assorted diseases caused by nutritional imbalance, thus improving the nutritional status of the public. This is the second country behind the iodization of salt is distinct landmark in improving public health. And Jianlibao, the perfect corporation, Yili Industrial, American Dairy, etc. all appearances of business through rigorous inspection, as a public nutrition improvement of the first batch of pilot enterprises OLIGO program. What is the OLIGO? how to carry out this project? and youth people healthy and what kind of relationship? on these topics, our correspondent on the national development Development Reform Commission Director, Centre for Public Nutrition and Xiaodong made in one interview.
narrated to the quality of citizen economic development, better nutrition
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Reporter: Speaking of nutrition, many people muse it is a life issue is how to eat and upkeep issues, as are personal entities,beijing massage, and why the public nutrition improvement project led by the state?
in Xiaodong: Public Nutrition is not merely a matter of personal micro-physical and mental health problems, but too a matter of national quality, coordinated development of the macro-economic strategy. For instance iodine, can cause goiter alternatively cretinism and additional diseases, merely the more serious injure will be caused by another degrees of backward head development, resulting in children's mental and psychomotor dysfunction. Some studies show that the mean IQ of iodine absence place population than in non-iodine-deficient areas by 10 to 12 points. This will improve the quality constitutes a serious obstacle, and then the community economic development which we can no be underestimated. The World Bank has behaved a survey: in developing nations deserving to malnutrition caused by the wastage of manpower (in compensation), almost the country's GDP (gross domestic product) of 3% to 5 %. GDP in 2005 estimated the absolute 18 trillion yuan, the losses of more than 540 billion yuan. This is only the maximum straight and quantifiable economic loss, but did not comprise 1.6 trillion yuan a year in medical expenses and nutrition-related portion of the disease. Therefore, since 1993, China gradually started the improvement projects,toronto escorts, and have achieved certain results .2006, the state is to improve immunity
(transliteration European power and more) is a highly telling prebiotic, layman's terms, it is the person body probiotic foods that tin assist the growth and proliferation, thus maintaining micro-ecological equilibrium, cultivate people immunity. OLIGO procedure to amend public nutrition chiefly because the public face of micro-ecological imbalances and to begin a micro-ecological balance because the project. At present the environmental pollution, abuse of antibiotics, processed cultivated foods, too many oppression occasions such as microbial imbalance is very solemn. to start the project is to enhance edible affair in public via the food intake of prebiotics added OLIGO, activation and proliferation of the human body's probiotics, to achieve the promotion of micro-ecological balance, the character of improving public nutrition. OLIGO as a bio-tech by making of natural food, its production process is quite complicated. But through continuous research and evolution, extraction and production of the present OLIGO technology has reached world progressive class, and has reached a decisive size.
hindrance of chronic diseases to improve the sub
numerous ambition guide to numerous omens and diseases, such for mild dizziness, lethargy, constipation, diarrhea, severe lead apt hypertension, diabetes, obesity, colorectal malignancy, bust illness. and these chronic diseases are becoming the nutrition and health of the public One of the greatest threats. According apt the National Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science and the National Bureau of Statistics of China jointly published the Fourth National Nutrition and Health Survey data show that: the digit of the national circulation of hypertension and dyslipidemia number has approached 160 million each; the number of diabetes has been ranked premier in the earth, reaching 23.8 million; overweight and obesity totaled 260 million number. More seriously, the quick growth rate of these diseases, and the emergence of getting younger and younger, 10 annuals and over 16 years of undergoing of hypertension 31% mushroom in ailment rates, obesity rates increased along 97%.
Reporter: So, nutrition, how to improve the OLIGO program is working above?
in Xiaodong: that is, add in food OLIGO. This prototype has been Europe,possibly they are the crew defeated the vgrouping team and the enthusiasm of the fans., USA and Japan use for many years. Japanese Ministry of Health permission of 569 kinds of special health food, there are 240 varieties are additional OLIGO, accounting for 42.1%. and as food for specified health use in Japan the expansion of mall size, and its evident expense of pharmaceuticals reduce .1997, common medical supplies and food for specified health use market size to 892.15 billion yen, respectively, 131.45 billion yen; and 2003, both were 671.84 billion yen the data and 566.88 billion yen. which visible, OLIGO project on individuals, families and the state health assurance are of magnificent practical significance.
OLIGO project is to use the introduction of sub-health state is a typical structural reforms on people's nutrition, promote healthy people will cares amenable. In the elapse folk are there to cure disease, the cost is very lofty. With the continuous improvement of alive standards and increased environmental pollution, there is growing care to their own health problems. abroad has a data , when per capita GDP reached 3,000 U.S. greenbacks from 1000, people will start to disburse care to health. In China, per capita GDP was $ 1,730 last year, just in this interval. OLIGO project is so huge in the environment of social development and fire.
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the first year of the project started, our cardinal products and petitions to build up research and development, and through the science task, so that public awareness of the harm caused by microbial imbalance. At the same period, OLIGO Union expanded to more than 30 enterprises, covering 3 important industries: health concern products, dairy products, beverages. Our focus will be the second year of the coastal cities, great and media cities to inland cities infiltration, OLIGO Union expanded to more than 100 companies, covering six sectors: health attention products, milk products, drinks, roasted goods, jellybean, snack foods. The third-year target is 30% of the country to make the public familiar with and often use OLIGO, OLIGO Union expanded to more than 300 companies, covering the basic national products contained in daily life Most of the food business. Then, entire strengthened in food OLIGO the nutrients in food, in the product packaging will have a special identity, people can select the VI.
Source: Chinese Student Health Report 4 2007 edition 8

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