Thursday, May 5, 2011

have fun

Many people playing in the water chilly off a hot summer activities, have amusement, in addition to attention to the sun and avoid sun undressed baptism caused by sunburn, or to the incipient freckles, sunburn, dark specks pile up manifest In addition, in fact, the problems caused by water sports a lot more attention should be particular.
attention of common skin skin
swimming problems, including swimmers prurigo, sea swimmer skin rashes, bites jellyfish, sea urchins stabbed , transitional larvae rash and so on. mushroom to a Women with waist and chest, symptoms contain local red papules, swelling rash or blisters, itching and burning sensation in there. generally persisted to 7m10 days, will certainly revive.
For, while you ford or soak in water, schistosome larvae will swoop into the swimsuit exposed appearance the peel, causing itching, tingling or rash localized phenomenon will perish behind a few hours, each 10 to 15 hours later,shanghai massage, at the exposed position of re-emergence of the red rash. treatment for symptomatic treatment. to avoid swimmer prurigo and sea swimmers skin rash, is having a swim quickly with water bath, thoroughly clean the peel, and with a towel Dry the body.
accustomed of swimming pools for the public, common skin problem, as fungal infections, viral warts, bacterial infections and swimming pool swimming pool granuloma skin rash; or because of provocation caused by chlorine or bromine dermatitis , made qualitative feud, hair color fades. The Road is the skin to prevent infection or wounds should not swim to choose the pool, to avoid the heated swimming pool and also crowded swimming pool, swimming wear swimming crowns, swimming full bath, using moisturizers to avoid dry itchy skin, not bare feet touch the closet apartment, the bathroom floor.
avoid the fierce sun, the best sunscreen.
jellyfish and sea urchins
detailed swimming in the sea and diving activities , to be particularly cautious to be sea urchin or jellyfish sting that would have happened in foreign countries because they were bitten by jellyfish necrosis case. suggest that you avoid the jellyfish cluster in addition to the sea swimming, after a hurricane or a tempest should also avoid swimming to the beach , the best divers to wear long-sleeved pants wetsuit. If the jellyfish sting, there will be tingling, itching, rash and blisters and other phenomena, there will be more severe systemic reactions, nausea, spewing, fever, chills, headache and muscle pain and other symptoms. be stung by jellyfish to be right to water, diluted vinegar or acetic sour wash, do not use water or alcohol to deal with. As if by sea urchins in the calcification of the time playing in the water puncture the skin, can cause pain, local swelling, if I were you handled properly, may produce granuloma after 2,3 months, it have to try to cautiously clear the thorns, and medical treatment.
In increase, favor to body on the dirt beach to make dirt castle sand drying activities or who needs special attention, beach cats and dogs on the mutual hookworm larvae through the soles of the feet, buttocks and genitals and other parts of the people body, resulting in larvae slender, curved linear ruddy rash, move 2 centimeters a day. dispose or oral pills for additional than annihilating.
pink eye to prevent
different eye clinic in the summer, due to water sports is the maximum common eye diseases conjunctivitis, can be divided into two types of non-communicable and catching. Most non-infectious causes of conjunctivitis in the swimming pool disinfectant or chemical irritants in dirty flows, water and other stimuli, the patient will have the eyes of local soreness, redness and tearing of the emotion, after a few hours to recover, will not have a significant efficacy on visual acuity. the other is extremely catching pestilence keratoconjunctivitis, can lightly spread in the pool and other public locations open to, is the maximum common eye clinic in summer eye diseases, mainly by hand, eye contact with the public towels, water, and adenovirus infection in patients of always ages, yet the children would be more severe the symptoms.
early symptoms such as acute red eyes, easy tears, alarm light and discomfort, will produce severe eyelid edema, conjunctival edema, subconjunctival hemorrhage, pseudomembranous, and sometime situations such as swollen lymph nodes, while the cornea is also easy to spot violations of the emergence of point-like. to the course, the two The speed and extent of disease may be different from the acute period of about 7 to 14 days, during which are contagious, nevertheless not healed will have a serious clash on visual acuity, but some people will quit the long-term dryness and exotic body feeling. Therefore, when the symptoms to seek therapeutic treatment should be up and keep the eyes clean, superfluity of recess, bathing hands constantly to reduce abscess levels, so that their eyes a mini more cozy, but also exclude the source of infection, so that friends and home into distress, of course, the most essential muddle is to develop the good habit of rubbing the eyes, it will not again undergo from abrupt calamities.
choice in the goggles, mirror the common pond to become better, should pay attention to the corner of the frame to be pliable, not simple to scratch the face ; myopia may be a considerable degree of dress goggles; dress adjoin lenses,toronto escorts, playing in the water will addition the opportunities of infection, it does not encourage, if necessary to wear no, Japan will must select to wear adjoin lenses, and then and goggles; snorkeling Zeyi single dive disguise better. faster activities, such as water on the motorcycles, surfing, buffet the eye in order to avoid accidents, compared to not wearing safety goggles.
quite condition of another tug
Sports items common injuries are spinal cable injury, according to statistics namely the United States almost 10% of spinal ligature injuries are from improper diving accidents, astute sprains, bruises and cramps are also common in water accidents, in order to avoid accidents should pay attention to the safety of diving depth of by fewest almost 3.74 meters, while the swimming warm-up ahead training tin dilute the acute sprains, bruises, and the incidence of cramps, water specialists and then the water sure to achieve the warm-up.
addition to ample warm-up exercise, itself also has muscle and joint ailments,shenzhen escort, public areas, swimming pose, we should have a choice. For instance, those who have knee problems, avoid swim breaststroke; have nape problems, avoiding travel freestyle; have lower behind afflict problem, avoiding travel butterfly; who have ankle problems, avoid swim freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. in swimming alternating assorted swimming styles, fewer promising to cause undue labor in some parts of amusements injuries.
If one occurrence occurs, the feasibility of spinal injury namely suspected, we should pay attention to retaining airway patency, to avoid unnecessary activity, taken to hospital as soon as possible, and if moving, to have the appropriate tools or extra when migrating means, so as to avoid more serious sequelae.
1, do not try to state in clear waters,000 km of coastline, lakes or the sea to swim swimming.
2, unstable weather conditions, to avoid playing in the water to the beach or water activities.
3, swimming in the pool, to avoid the water in the pool chasing or riding the fierce fighting games to play.
4, play pool water slip, do not deliberately upside down playing the bad access or the other.
5, apt activity a springboard , consideration ought be swimming approximately, and in front of a diving springboard, preferably than deliberately jumped from the springboard apt the side alternatively up and down wildly in order to avoid accidental harm.
6, do not drink liquor before swimming, as alcohol affect the brain's aptitude to judge, and increase opportunities for swimming accidents.
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