Thursday, May 5, 2011

the beam

Calendar of April 1, 2011, Fool the West. How good and bad in April? Must have a lot of friends ambition to understand in advance in order to action a few, well, today, Dr Cheng Gregorian calendar in April 2011 published annual good and bad forecasts for friends as a reference.
morsel according to traditional Chinese pharmacology, 365 days a year, agreeable and wrong is no the same daytime, each hour of the nice and wrong will be another. Therefore, we prefer the line number of days ahead accident. For example: wedding, the ground-breaking,beijing escort, buy a house, elaboration, voyage, investment, education, visiting relatives, pursue accounts, office and so on. To do this, Dr Cheng Year of the Rat began to carry out nice and bad of each month forecast for a cloud of the friends as a reference; from friends are fed back location, the effect namely premonitory, both the good and bad forecasts issued in Cheng redactor of the recorded cross time 2 hours, so a total of 12 hour a day.
midnight: 23:00 - 1:00 Chou Shi: 1:00 - 3:00
yin shi: 3:00 - 5:00 Mao Shi: 5:00 - 7:00
chenshi: 7:00 - 9:00 Sishi: 9:00 - 11:00 noon
: 11 points n the afternoon of 13 points is not the time: 13:00 pm - 15:00 < br> GENOTYPES: 15 points n the afternoon of 17 points shi: 17:00 pm - 19:00
Xushi: 19 pm - 21 points Hai Shi: 21 pm - 23 points APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Xin Mao of the Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Western Fool
Friday,beijing massage, February 28 Lunar: BingXu
Chong Ji: Long
auspicious time: sub, c, d, f, Shen, Xu, Hai Yi: travel, contracting, purchasing
avoid: moving house, the bed
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao on Saturday, February 29 Lunar New Year SATURDAY
Lunar: Dinghai
Chong Ji: Snake
auspicious time: b, c, L, not, Xu, Hai Yi: the opening, congratulating, Nace
bogey: a marrying, engagement
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Xinmao first day on Sunday, March Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Lunar: Lunar
Chong Ji: Ma
auspicious time: b, d, e, Shangsi, Shen Yi: Barber, negotiations for the financial
bogey: travel, meeting
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao Monday MONDAY
2 days of lunar month Lunar: OX
Chong Ji: sheep
auspicious: sub, c, d, f, applicants should: Investment, Nace, litigation
bogey: recruitment, job
APR 2011 年 4 月Small
Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Xin Mao Ching Ming Festival in Aries

Queen Mother, Pak on Tuesday,beijing escort, three days of lunar month of Christmas
Lunar: Gengyin
Chong Ji: Monkey
auspicious: ugly, c, d, e, not wish: tumble, ground-breaking, open light
avoid: combinations and acquisitions, opening
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit Xinmao Wednesday, March the fourth day of the Lunar
Lunar: Xin Mao Chong Ji
: chicken
auspicious time: c, d, f, afternoon should: recruitment, job search, buried
bogey: a accounts, investment
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Yu princes World Health Day on March fifth day of Christmas
Lunar Lunar: Imjin
Chong Ji: When the dog
Kyrgyzstan: b, c, d, f, Hai wish: trip, opening the meeting
avoid: the beam, the groundbreaking
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Xinmao sixth day on Friday, March Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Lunar: Kimi
Chong Ji: When pigs
Kyrgyzstan: son, d, e, f, applicants should: groundbreaking, upkeep , the bed
bogey: An stoves, litigation
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao Xiangu seventh day of Christmas, Saturday, March
Lunar Lunar : Jiawu
Chong Ji: When rats
Kyrgyzstan: b, c, is not desirable: investment, mergers and acquisitions, the opening
avoid: moving, for the fiscal
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Sim Mao on March eighth day of the Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Lunar: Yi Wei Chong Ji
: cattle
auspicious: sub, c, d, Shen, Hai Yi: Si seeking, praying and engagement < br> bogey: the accretion, ground-breaking
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Xinmao ninth day on Monday, March Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Lunar: Bingshen
red bogey: Tiger < br> auspicious time: son, ugly, f,, shen, hai ought be: exercising, recruitment, contracting
avoid: do pantry, the mattress
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Rabbit Xinmao Malaysia and Singapore on Tuesday, March
Lunar Lunar: Ding
Chong Ji: Rabbit
auspicious time: the ugly, afternoon, no, Hai Yi: Please heir, hair, talks
avoid: litigation, the opening
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao Wednesday, March 11 WEDNESDAY
Lunar Lunar: Reform Movement
Chong Ji: Long
auspicious : b, d, L, not, Shen Yi: training, recruitment, acquisition
bogey: travel, pray
APR 2011 年 4 月 small

Lunar Year of the Rabbit Central Xinmao five years of Christmas Thursday, March 12
Lunar Lunar: Yi Hai
Chong Ji: Snake
auspicious time: sub, c, d, L, not, Shen Yi: the bed, kitchen safety, Moving
bogey: engagement, marriage
APR 2011 年 4 月 small

Year of the Rabbit Lunar New Year Lunar Xinmao Friday, March 13 FRIDAY
Lunar: Boxer
red Ji: Ma
auspicious: ugly, no, Shen Yi: appeal, wed, travel
avoid: the beam, the groundbreaking
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit Xinmao
Saturday, March 14 SATURDAY
Lunar Lunar: Boxer
Chong Ji: sheep
auspicious: b, c, d, f, is not, the applicant should: travel, contract, investment
Avoid: training, litigation
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Hao Tian Xin Mao in the Great, Zhang Tian, ​​Zhao Christmas
Marshal SUNDAY
Lunar Lunar Sunday, March 15 : Renyin
Chong Ji: Monkey
auspicious time: b, c, d,depressing water pollution. Therefore, did not wish: opening, contracting, purchasing
bogey: the tourism, convention
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao mention Buddha quasi real Christmas Christmas
Wang Yang on Monday, March 16
Lunar Lunar: mao
Chong Ji: Ji Chicken
When: sub, c, d should be: do tumor, burial, travel
avoid: litigation, contract
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao lunar month in seventeen weeks Second TUESDAY
Lunar: Jia Chen
Chong Ji: When the dog
Kyrgyzstan: son, Chou, Chen, no, Hai Yi: worship, pray, for the fiscal
bogey: the ground-breaking, moving
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao Aries
in Yue Dadi, Christmas
Houtu Goddess Lunar Lunar WEDNESDAY
Wednesday, March 18: B Pat
Chong Ji: When pigs
Kyrgyzstan: son, Chou, Shen Yi: the beam, the bed, and oven-
bogey: Barber, consultations
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Xin Mao Xing Jun Sun on Christmas

Year of the Rabbit Lunar Lunar THURSDAY
Thursday, March 19: Bingwu
Chong Ji: When rats
Kyrgyzstan: Shangsi, afternoon, Shen, Hai Yi : engagement, marriage, burial
avoid: moving, oven-
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Lunar Earth Day Friday, March 20 FRIDAY
Lunar: DingWei
Chong Ji: cattle
auspicious: Shangsi, p.m., no, Hai Yi: negotiation, compact, recruitment
bogey: travel, buy
APR 2011 年 4 In January a small
Lunar Xinmao Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Saturday, March 21 SATURDAY
Lunar: Shigenobu
red bogey: Tiger
auspicious: the ugly, e, f, not , applicants should: pray, for the fiscal, investment
avoid: opening, the bed
APR 2011 年 4 月 small

Year of the Rabbit Lunar New Year Lunar Xinmao March 22 Sunday SUNDAY < br> Lunar: Jiyou
Chong Ji: Rabbit
auspicious time: son, e, f, L, not, Shen Yi: travel, contracting, purchasing
bogey: the ground-breaking, line funeral
APR April 2011 in the small
Lunar Year of the Rabbit
mommy Zusheng Chen Xin Mao
Monday, March 23 Lunar Lunar MONDAY
: Gengxu
Chong Ji: Long
auspicious : ugly, afternoon, no, applying should be: on the beam, the ground-breaking, the bed
bogey: travel, investment
APR 2011 年 4 月 small

Year of the Rabbit Lunar New Year Lunar Xinmao March fourth Tuesday TUESDAY
Lunar: Xinhai
Chong Ji: Snake
auspicious time: b, c, d, L, does not hope to: ask the wealth, praying, M
bogey: a wastage, married married
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao on Wednesday, March 25 Lunar Lunar WEDNESDAY
: Prince
Chong Ji: Ma
auspicious : son, ugly, c, d, e, f, is not desirable: behavior, recruitment, job
bogey: prayer, the opening
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar New Year Year of the Rabbit
Xinmao Gui and teacher's birthday, Thursday, March 26
Lunar Lunar THURSDAY
: Guichou
Chong Ji: sheep
auspicious: son, ugly, e, f, the candidate should: Investment, opened the proceedings
bogey: the purchase, travel
APR 2011 年 4 月 small

Lunar Year of the Rabbit Lunar Xinmao years on Friday, March 27 FRIDAY
Lunar: Jiashen < br> Chong Ji: Monkey
auspicious time: c, e, no,toronto escorts, Xu Yi: travel, ground-breaking, lest signing
: burial, the bed
APR 2011 年 4 月 small
Lunar Xinmao Christmas
of the Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Dongyuetaidi Saturday, March 28 SATURDAY
Lunar: Yi Mao Chong Ji
: chicken
auspicious time: c, d, shen, Hai Yi: prayer, travel, haircuts
avoid: opening, groundbreaking
Cheng warm reminder:
Today is:
2011 年 3 11, Lunar New Year on February the seventh day, Friday
Chong Ji: sheep
auspicious: Son, the ugly, c, d, Shen Yi: the ground-breaking, marriage, into the house
avoid: mergers and acquisitions, training
suggested Notes:
Dr Cheng Contact :
Source: (- hatred of others that he is a excellent loss, said Dr. Cheng Feng Shui _ _ Sina blog
Tel: 010-85888993
QQ: 945012937
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