Thursday, May 5, 2011

brilliant roadside neon night

8. more discipline. jogging, brisk walking and other aerobic exercise to the brain can invest sufficient fresh oxygen, meantime,beijing escort, more to do abdominal breathing.
9. car wearing a seat belt, not high-altitude jumping, particularly the babies play Leap the mattress, it is effortless for brain injuries.

7. lifestyle regularity, sleep ample. absence of nap, the brain ambition interrupt regular activities and awareness in the two states to alternate. In the process of switching, there will be one immediate wastage of feature of the brain phenomenon.

Other highlights see:

playing the alive in the huge cities of the The first 3 impressions.
fact may seriously than you might think: According to the U.S. >

10. not smoking, no drinking, no undue intake of foods embodying caffeine.

teach you apt defend the head coup metropolis life

; breathing increasingly serious air pollution. Data show that in Beijing alone, motor conveyance on a newspaper growth rate of close to 20,000 with. The fast growth of motor vehicles, not merely is more urban road traffic congestion, and with to a more serious climate pollution problems. In the cities, small to residents for heating, cooking, accustomed in combustion emissions, large vehicle exhaust, industrial emissions of cigarette, are competing with the brain of oxygen, so that Its conditions are deteriorating. Shen Yang said that the brain is the largest apparatus of the body oxygen consumption, and only sufficient oxygen to ensure the brain work properly. Once the brain of oxygen, people will instantly become slow musing, reactiin due time, diluted efficiency it is easy to fall dormant.

6. Drink abundance of water. 80% of brain water, electrolytes are mostly relying on water transport, especially before production a determination or do more with the work of the brain, but also to beverage digit.

arrest on the a state of traction, the sick, moving, shopping and other journal chores, can make you feel nervous,not stuff what social norms are followed,beijing massage, solicitude, alarm. spokesman in psychology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital for Neurology and technological specialists salad? Lazar explained: People feel the pressure, the body will produce more cortisol, the brain will shrink the hippocampus, could lead to memories loss, a sequence of problems such as unresponsive. brain
1. OK hum songs, it is to consolidate the memory, a good way of achieving cognitive.
2. with a intonation of concern to speak to anybody, and positive and optimistic people transform friends.
3 . dine steel foods such for liver, dark fungus, beans, spinach, apricots, raisins, etc., because iron can enhance the aptitude of hemoglobin to transport oxygen.
4. home, join a floor of screen napkin curtain, if the chamber approach the roadside, the best skylight insulation, wear a headset when using a mobile phone shriek.

5. thoughts stuck at work, and immediately diverted, walk out and see the green plants, or meditation, and then persist to work.

wading in the city a few minutes, the brain harm
to ring. at the paucity of clamor, have the same problem: wish is to have a quiet rural life in rustic areas.
living in cities constantly do you feel embarrassment because of the environment? Do you think the body equitable because a small protest opposition the only unions receive a kind of message will greatly reduce the capacity.
Department of Neurology, Peking University Third Hospital, Chief Physician, Professor Shen Yang to accept the , traffic lights and many additional confounding ingredients, what you see and listen in entire things bring a information to the brain,shenzhen escort, also many provocation of the normal depletion of the brain operational capacity. long-term in such an environment will guide to decline in people's memory , unresponsive, care tin not condense, accessible irritable,shanghai massage, sense of low and so ashore. At this period you have to disburse special attention, this may be the
high-rise towers, engaged, brightly Seduction ... ... these are the specifics of modern cities, but in the Southwestern University School of Psychology Associate Professor Yang appears: master, so that our health is being compromised. cement forest in the shuttle walking? in the city of people yearning to live long outlook of nature is a scientific basis in fact. University of Michigan study had compared two groups of rehabilitation patients found that living in a natural landscape of the defense patients more possible to recover; walk the road of people in the city, if it is attention, or memory levels are much lower than people who walk in the park. And in the natural environment to repose afterward 20 minutes, the brain from the
over the scope of person health can bear, a car starts at 90 decibels on the noise, construction noise can reach 130 decibels, while marker, became very nervous. , tinnitus, insomnia, memory loss, etc.. can see the glare of the cup wall, so that exposure is about a mirror of the globe, creating snow-white walls, polished marble, gorgeous roadside neon night, knocking the billboards, a city in modern and fashion show it is likewise hardly eroding our brains. Nie Jing pointed out that when optical radiation to a definite value, it will have on the environment and detrimental effects on people health, this is the mediate with the brain's central nervous system will not only disunite the body's normal circadian tempo, reason insomnia, yet also people paying attention, especially in areas of fluorescent bulbs, rotating lights.

manner gallery of thousands of beauteous small town anecdote: Gongdie behind the bride (the aboriginal photo Photo) ; Moulin Rouge dancers pamper the temptation anecdote (Photos)

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