Wednesday, April 27, 2011

000 the absolute reading words.

8. Integrated Learning eight total hours 15 hours < / p>

(c) to write words

1. learning to speak Mandarin, and gradually amplify the accustomed of speaking Mandarin.

4. Read Qian Jin's fairy anecdotes, legends, stories, longing for a better location, caring nature and life, people and events of interest have their own feelings and motifs, and willing to communicate with people.

2. can hear to others speak, try to understand the cardinal contents of his speech.

3. with the picture books to read. with real life context and meaning of words to understand the texts in the accumulation of reading words.

two interconnected parts of each material to form an organic whole. literacy classes in various forms, there are words, idioms, proverbs, Three Character Classic, couplets, songs and so on. entire words and expressions were thirty-one, rich in content, manner and different, vivid language, the students have a stronger entreat. This book is not longer full phonetic text, text with multiple phonetic pronunciation, vocabulary in the text while the page is listed, and marked with Pinyin with a pleasant backdrop to attract the attention of students. ; over time to guide students to accumulate a good word --- Quotes, excellent part partition, review the words learned, integrated basic knowledge for language practice; oral communication --- in the two-way interactive oral communication oral communication skills students ; Showcase --- inside and outside class to show students to learn from the stage.

5. will use the sequencer and the sequencer tin use the word Act radicals collared the glossary, one neutral literacy learning.

1. enjoy reading, feel the pleasure of reading. learning to have feelings fluent Mandarin and read the correct text, can recite the specified text and your favorite text shreds. learn silent reading, act to not mention anything, do not refer to time.

4. Integrated Learning 4 total hours 14 hours

6. Recognizing the common punctuation marks seem in the text. In reading, the experience time, question brand, expressed by an exclamation point different tone.

7. Integrated Learning 7 total hours 14 hours

four, teaching fathom

< p> 8. adore books, love books.

7. the accumulation of their favorite phrases and aphorisms. narrate verse 30 Excellent (upon). not fewer than 30,000 the aggregate reading words.

(d) oral communication

1, self-advocacy, cooperation, and browse ways of learning duly accepted the people group learned literacy usages, the radical portion shape, and a diversity of situational review and consolidate the creation of new words.

5. comprehensive study 5 of 15 total hours level

1. favor to learn Chinese characters, the appetite to initiate literacy.

one textbook analysis of the textbooks designed the eight topics, the way around the project to integrate the eight sets of teaching materials mobilized. in order: smart fall, a variety of school life, love the motherland, how to watch problems and would like problems, live in friendship and unity and cooperation, caring for others, protecting the context, animals, love science. each topic covered are very wide, to dodge the constraints. teaching materials more closely tied to the lives of babies, reflecting the specifics of the times, has a decisive moral value .

(a) of the Chinese Pinyin: Hanyu Pinyin to continue to review and consolidate, to staying pinyin pronunciation of literacy, reading.

2, language knowledge

1. on the written words of interest, write their own wish to say, write imaginary things, manuscript the entities nigh their own wisdom and feelings.

3. listening to stories, watching audio-visual goes, to repeat the effect and the exciting plot.

4, apt read more fully the instructing of reading to students, commute of experience of the time reading, attention to reading the navigate, peruse the Wu, reading in the collection and encourage students to learn to use every other to the construction, training, query questions, problem-solving abilities.

6. there namely expression of self-confidence. to actively partake in the discussion topics of amuse comments.

6. Integrated Learning 6 total hours 15 hours

( b) read and write

< p> (b) to read

3. Integrated Learning three total hours 14 hours

1. on things around with curiosity, to ask questions on the content of interest, combined with reading to consult.

5. read children's songs, preschool rhymes, and Qian Jin's poetry,spontaneous combustion of coal and trees,beijing escort, unimaginative, access to initial sensitive experience, feeling the beauty of the language.

4. to form a correct writing pose and nice writing habits, writing descriptions, correct, neat.

2. know 444 Chinese characters, will write 260. requires knowledge of the word can be read criterion pronunciation, with words to know the averaging, not for a font analysis, does not require writing; essential to write the words to be competent to read standard pronunciation, understand the shape and know the averaging, correct writing, spoken and written exercises in applying.

3. to main the basic strokes of Chinese roles and the mutual radicals; to the rules at using hard brush strokes to jot, disburse attention to inter-frame structure. the initial sensibilities of physical charm of Chinese characters.

five Class Schedule:

2. combined with language learning, observation of nature, such as by path of verbal alternatively graphic to express their observations.

5. to talk with others, outlook indeed generous, respectful.

6, full use of materials, distend the variety of language practice activities, singing games, riddles, performances into the schoolroom, can likewise guide the students out of school door, learned the language, the language.

5, oral communication education ought be arranged in advance, to pay attention to the creation of education situations, to motivate interest and coaching guide, let the students oral communication ability.

(e) comprehensive study

three,toronto escorts, 8 groups of text, the arrangement of the six Readings text for students reading. Finally, 2 new words catalogue. vocabulary table i understand the whole writing requires a word, there are 444. vocabulary chart ii write the whole paperback requires a word, there are 260. These two words are another requirements to practice afterward educate in the marked. In counting to literacy classes and literacy missions prepared the text in the

learning via the textbook inspired students to love the emotional ecology, patriotic feelings, learn to identify the strengths of others, shortcoming to rack their heads and students friendly, caring, environmentally conscious from childhood, love of science and technology .

4. can differentiate a more complete small stories of interest to briefly talk almost their knowledge.

3. along to expressed absences, learning to use a comma , period, question mark, exclamation point.

2. Integrated Learning II General Hours 12 hours

3. eager to participate in university and community activities. medley of activities, such as by oral or graphic way to express their knowledge and ideas.

1. Integrated Learning a total of 13 hours of class

2. in the use of written words in reading and compliant to learn the words of life.

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