Wednesday, April 27, 2011

guest hub namely a shine two-storey hall

2008 Hong Kong Wetland Bank in the spring of Guo Geng
2008,toronto escorts, I had the medal as a lecturer in environmental science, with the , Shenyang, Shanghai and Qingdao six Olympic host cities of the Green Olympics speaking voyage after the accident, in the tour. flew a metropolis almost every week, so my life did not go out too constantly, friends said, I simply as Director of the Department of Education Center Jiaozhi Yan, Volkswagen Group China, Dr. Fan Ande President and CEO, Volkswagen Group (China) Director of Public Relations and Communications, Yang Meihong, Germany, environmental protection volunteers Miss Fan Meiling, China's first Olympic women's table tennis champion Chen Jing and two-time Olympic vault champion Lou Yun, environmental science specialists weeks and ruddy and I, composed of teams speaking tour, Hok Yau Club in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Equestrian Federation and the Hong Kong Church of Jesus in assist of the Yau Tong, Kowloon is located in the pedestal to the law educate to carry out environmental protection and Olympic interactive educational activities for basic and secondary schools from Hong Kong four hundred students on the latest environmental and brought the Olympic mind, so that students experience the delight of the Olympic interactive content.
4 30, I used the Hong Kong fascinated leisure time alone visited the Hong Kong Wetland Park. In the elapse, I have double reached the Mai Po Marshes in Hong Kong, which is supported by the World Wildlife Fund and the protected birds in Hong Kong as a expensive wetland of multinational magnitude, Mai Po Elk Garden act in my bird-watching platform construction of wetlands provided a lot of serviceable inspiration. Later, the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission of Hong Kong Wetland Park friends recommended to me, I have some doubts, do here than the Mai Po Wetland okay ? enlightened, a look startled, to say that I have ever seen here, the nature of learning and scientific method, wetlands, unique alignment of ecological and cultural content, and do the best science wetlands as a place to go. < br> said high buildings, automobiles coming from Hong Kong is a shopping paradise, is the gourmet chief, peek partners are mostly in the frenzied shopping, enjoy gourmet, but I should have failed to buy everything, did not visit a mall, even now Harbour City is located in city center alive in the Marco Polo Hotel, is to look steadily all day, worked straight to the topic: Nature.
a.m., I bring binoculars, from Kowloon Park, Tsim Sha Tsui metro next to Mobil Station, convey to West Rail to Tin Shui Wai, but also for light rail to the Wetland Park, about an hour's drive, has arrived at the brim of the Hong Kong New Territories, Hong Kong, once and for all, a quite small zone, an area of ​​1,000 square kilometers and is alike in Daxing District of Beijing. Although Tin Shui Wai to at the remote, the same lofty fortress from the ground, frequently four or five layers (see Figure), the mainland are rare. Wetland Park, many Hong Kong people have not been to a place, I came behind an hour, must await until 10 to open the door, while waiting for the machine, look around, I saw the white-headed Bulbul, Red-whiskered Bulbul, Oriental Magpie Robin, Spotted Dove, Brown Shrike and other birds in the behind.
In fact, 1 to Hong Kong's airport, I got the Hong Kong Wetland Park presentation of folding, that there are 60 hectares of wetland area of ​​10,000 square meters area and visitor megalopolis. for the purpose of bird watching, I opened the door to a great many visitors through the center of whichever visitors in virtually no time alone along the nature trail, went straight to the wetland, notwithstanding this is not the best time for bird watching.
Stream Walk, is a simulation of trail charted for rivers, upwards from the rapids to gradually sabsent from the middle and lower reaches , stream through the morasses, fish ponds and rice paddy fields afterward the diversity of wetlands, and gradually into the open water, a variety of wetland plants and animals and that copyright can be seen everywhere, especially attracts me a small facility is fixed in the portrayal card next to a width pipe (see photo), they can guide you a glimpse from the pipe to a bizarre phenomenon, a bloom or a plant or an animal, a frog, a stone or a bird's lair, to bring you a ; piece of a jigsaw shrubs and trees. and a semi-submerged in the water vessel is a reason for hair growth, pontoon on the unique plant communities and tropical coastal mangrove close, seems to have bebring an end to ...side the meanwhile the proboscis monkey (see Figure),
maybe we do not understand, the proboscis monkey is the delivery of mangroves in Indonesia, Sprint has primates, and fond of eating the Sonneratia mangrove shrieked, of lesson, seen here mostly candel mangrove tree, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and K. candel and other plants. Interestingly, Mangrove Boardwalk with the tide can be recede up and down, of course, range is not large, looking down from the pontoon, wetlands, dirt on something moving, the native, is a lot of fiddler crab and mudskipper.
everything here, whether normal alternatively science, have made I'm excited, I was muddled up looking in the Wetland Park, and browse onward the Wildside Walk wandering, occasionally through binoculars as bird seeing, and occasionally held up camera, alternatively even just keep shooting into the branches of a twitter ming's Wren Warbler, I POSE time to time too put a self-timer, feel snug. a scene reminiscent of Du Fu's poem: , the hike via the fish ponds, mudflats, marshes, rivers, reed beds, wet fields, mangrove forests, no only factories, birds, aquatic animals acceptable to me, it namely easy apt see the insects in the butterfly garden, two college students look like initiative to introduce the volunteers come here Butterfly: Golden butterfly, I accustomed the macro to shoot down (penetrate photo), train the Why naught of even the footprints left backward? Because, in the defended zones, ought be strictly in consensus with the designated trails to walk away from the road may not be arbitrarily set foot in the wasteland, in the Hong Kong Wetland Park, to retain great tracts of natural wilderness areas for wildlife habitat, forgery, junctions are No Entry set the warning signs (watch photo), which, I calculate we study the special needs of Elk Garden, otherwise, numerous animals have panic, outcast. At present there have been problems final year, a flying White-naped cranes and construction could finally double the observers beneath pressure and flew away; and the new birth to perhaps a few small deer doe not come because somebody close to the fence approach the breast-feeding and mortality.
Bird Watching is to explore and appreciative nature a fashionable movement in wetland habitats,yet adults, principally bird watching facilities, said Hong Kong's wetland area is exceedingly wealthy in biological diversity, logged 18 category of fish, 9 species of amphibians, 13 species of reptiles, mammals 10 species, 40 species of dragonflies, 130 varieties of butterflies, for many for 200 species of birds, we in the Beijing Milu Park in 2007 set up a bird hides, where even ahead the euthanasia of the differ habitats are 3 bird hides: Bird Watching River houses, fish ponds bird hides, mudflat bird hides.
to a human looked at each other, the claws of the alligator (see photo).
visitor center is a bright two-storey hall, the appearance of grand building, there are five thematic galleries: Wetlands World Wetlands mm Know? Introduction the notion of wetland and numerous functions. wetland world, including the North tundra, tropical swamp, the Hong Kong Wetland three parts. Wetland dare is one with interactive games, microcomputer screens and other modern facilities, exhibition, will be human wetlands menaces come neat, so that were terrible. screening room according Cantonese, English, Chinese, respectively, at different times, at field screening.
touched me most is the wetlands and cultural exhibition not only fills one entire wall in a giant's MILLENNIUM map, human on either sides near the river along door Song of the marketplace of life vividly in your eyes, and, in this auditorium there is not absence of wetland science and the depth of person variety. this entitled text to keep my feet: from the start at the beginning of people culture, wetlands have been closely linked to people's hearts. cultures approximately the globe have shown namely the wetland is not only a fountain of life,shanghai massage, is also the quarters of the gods, ghosts haunt state, has all been an talent, musician, man of letters of concern and to cater important contemporary film and television making stuff, further time and space barriers, EMI golden touches the human soul. Agency for Cultural Affairs in the wetland and wetland you can hear to foreign-related melody, enjoy the auditory feast: from the Moonlit Night, the Boats, from geese to Pinghuqiuyue; from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, to the Saint-Saens's Carnival of the Animals, to Handel's Water Music D, Suite Op. visual banquet ambition comprise Chinese and alien scholars to write the famous epigram about wetlands, Romance biography, poetry, prose: Focus on the rivers, the crux of the problem is not in rivers, and in the heart hh Liangshan, Jiaxing Red Boat, Long grass, Dragon King Temple, Crystal Palace hh Journal of Dalian to the silent forest place, listening to the grass frog pond alone gives human nature hh
inspiration, gives us the morale of wetlands. The cultural exhibition of wetlands, not only to keep my pace, but also inspired me of surprise , opened my poetic reverie aboard Wetlands hh from the canoe from the cross, places near West Rock Fisherman Night Tang left to a poem almost the wetlands to extensive, teem, and I had to sigh: Wetlands, poetic area!

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