Sunday, April 24, 2011

the same tin no tranquility my heart

It is reported that Shanghai Zoo has lions dead, dead are the premier seventeen annuals old lioness. Seventeen-year-old is not too youth for the Lions, and be quite age. Relative to peoples, it is roughly equivalent to eighty -year-old man. this old to die, should be considered natural death, not much should be said of.
only lioness in the zoo have a partner, is the only young male lion, so that between the lion narrations be Jiedi Lian. This emotion between the lion how to die before the lioness did not feel any special, if not that attach natural relationship between a lion it. go to the zoo folk, certainly not to This one saw the lion, and no one base their special place.
However, in the few days before his death the mother lion, lion roar every deep grief, heart and lung sounds were torn, as if the earth namely coming to end . It seems that the lion namely coming end, it wishes to own, Calling, attempting to save the life of a lioness. However, all preordained to be futile at the end of the day, can not violate the laws of ecology, a few days later, the mother lion died.
beasts feelingful communication through which the party I do not understand, since the death of the mother lion, lion eat or drink entire day roar heavenward, long rest, day behind day. excellent to die for their adore of method. animals psyche to focus on this point, so the zoo staff endless Xu Xi was deeply touched by every staff membership. They ascertain ways to make the lion's mourning from the loss of companionship freed, but showed no repercussion lion keeper their concern and thought.
definitely discerning a lion it goes above his life was no certified, the breeder thought of a direction, his fake of a lion howling lion next door, in mandate apt distract the attention of a lion. This push indeed come true, afterward came the lioness lion suddenly listened the phone, that the lioness was not away from it, many better mood, have begun to dine. merely each daytime it must be heard ahead the lioness eating sound Caixing!
this lion action, so much deplored the zoo staff, the love between a couple of animals are so incipient and moving, so persistent, that real people endless affection.
see After this information, the same tin not calm my center, I kas long asemotional communication between animals, but did not meditation they would be so real.'ll have a accident to go to Shanghai Zoo, I'll take a see bird lion, I consider it extra than just a lion, who carries it also many, and I as if the merely animals to see by, it's also Baoqingguayi, it it not a character model? not a sculpture?

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