Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1 Science and technology are basic fruitful forces

Chapter V of human nature and basic structure of society
one, the material basis of human society and nature
(a) of the social being and social consciousness of the relationship is the basic problem of history is that people in the knowing of history
social and historical phenomena, to solve social problems, the fundamental point of view taken. Social presence refers to the sum of social and material living conditions, for the existence of human society, the development of material conditions, including geography, population, production of material, including material file mode of production is the maximum essential aspects of social existence. social feeling that derived from the social existence of all spiritual phenomenon. of social existence and social consciousness is the relationship between the two who is primitive, who decided whom. for of the alter questions to this question, dividing the history of historical realism and idealism, two diametrically disapproved view of history.
(b) the geographic and demographic elements in the social role of the formation and development of geographical environment or natural
1 context is the normal condition of human subsistence, it adopted a human practice the elements of social existence, social development plays a character apt accelerate alternatively postpone.
2 any of the first prelude of human history is the existence of individual life society through the people and their activities (premier production) to demonstrate its materiality.
(c) social production practices and production in human social existence and development of the role of
1 production is labor and labor data with a special way, is the unity of productive forces and production relations, which reflects the concentration of material of human society. (1) mode of production, productivity reflects the reality that people change the nature of the material force of man and nature to achieve the material exchange between, and way to material results; (2) is that people in the material relations of production occurred in the material production of social relations, reflecting the activities of the exchange between people, the existence of man's will ; (3) the unity of productive forces and relations of production constitute the modes of production and make a part of nature into the social and material living conditions, the beings who rose to chance a reality.
2 production is not only the physical nature of human society embodiment, it is the existence and development of human society, the certain coerce. (1) production is the basis above which human society is an creature of human society in this particular material commitments; (2) production resolved at the social structure, nature and outlook; (3) Changes to the mode of production changes the whole social history, decided to change social patterns.
(d) the nature of human society and natural environment
the harmonious development of human social existence and development of the necessary premise; logical use of resources, protecting the environment and maintaining ecological poise of human existence and human society in the development of great significance.
(e) the nature of social practice
1 of communist philosophy that is practical in nature. social nature of human society a profound illustration of the special nature of material, in array to reveal the technological laws of social development and cater a foundation for power.
Second, the economic structure of society
(a) the content of socio-economic building and function, productivity content, units and characteristics of
social and economic structure of the content elements of the social structure refers to the interrelated social access, the content of social relations between people is the sum of The economic structure, political structure and the notion of the structure constitutes a fusion of the basic structure of society. social and economic structure is the same stage of development of productive forces have to adjust to the sum of relations of production.
2 social economic structure and function of: (1 ) It will combine the form of people and things, so that productivity of people and asset in the productivity of the elements may become a reality by the productive forces, and counter-productivity, promote or hinder the development of productive forces. (2) This determination directly The political structure and concepts of social structure, political structure and the concept of the structure constitutes a naturalistic foundation.
3 content of productivity: Productivity is the people to solve social conflicts with the substantial natural ability to transform nature to meet human needs of society's material .
4 Productivity Factors: the object of labor, of labor and laborers: (1) The object of labor is the labor of the people via their own processing, making it a use amount to meet the absences of the community that part of the material information It includes raw natural objects and objects have been processed. (2) of labor is that people in the labor process to change or influence the go of material objects or material conditions, is the middling among the object and labor. (3 ) The worker is a certain experience in production, labor capabilities and learning and practice of people engaged in production.
(b) Science and Technology and Productivity
1 Science and technology are basic productive forces
form of knowledge of science and technology productivity, the general productivity, which can see into the personnel of labor and labor objects and cause changes in these basic elements, into a direct productivity.
2 material fruitful forces, social, and historical: (1 ) Productivity with human nature, it exists in the activities of people, is the formation of human labor, people tin directly control the power stream is the production of the people in the past and people the results of practical ability; (2) productivity of an objective nature,toronto escort, which is not the people's ambition and objective material forces; (3) productivity is social, it is formed in the material production activities of people, is the outcome of people's practical ability, yet all there in a certain social relations; (4) productivity historic, it is the history of play for people alterations.
(c) the nature of the relations of production and the internal structure
1 object of fatigue, of labor and workers merely in certain social forms to constitute real productivity, this form of society is the economic structure of society. from the content point of outlook, is the economic structure of society the relations of creation.
2 the internal structure of the relations of production: the based on the means of production, from production, distribution, commute and consumption constitute the unity of the 4 areas.
3 socio-economic structure and function of: (1) it must combine the form of people and things, so that productivity in the elements of people and things become a reality by the feasible productivity of the productive forces, and counter-productivity, promote or hinder the development of productive forces. (2) It directly determines the political structure and concepts of social structure, political structure and the concept of the structure constitutes the reality basis. Therefore, Marx repeatedly as the sum of the economic structure of production relations is phoned the economic base in order to correspond with the superstructure.
Third, the political structure of society
(a) of the political superstructure of society and its elements
1 The political structure is built on altitude of the economic structure, political and legal infrastructure, political and legal system and its interrelated, including political parties, government institutions, legion, police, tribunals and jails as well as substantive elements of the regime forms of union, legislative, judicial, constitutional and regulatory and additional institutional factors. correspond with the economic base, political structure, likewise understood as the political superstructure.
2 political superstructure is that people under the requirements of the economic base, and through people the formation of consciousness, is arising from the production of class, is the product of irreconcilable class contradictions and performance. countries the concept is essentially a class, the political field, it is a tool of class rule is the rule of one class to dissimilar class of violence agencies.
2 functioning of the state is divided into internal and outer appearances. interior functions include political functions,I favor your hand ashore my shoulder, economic functions and social functions. appearance the main functions of the organization of national barricade, barricade of exotic assault and subversion and safeguard citizen sovereignty and territorial integrity, to adjust relations between countries to protect their fundamental interests.
Fourth, the concept of social structure
(a) of the ideological and cultural structure
1 in the cultural structure is effectively formed by the social ideology, social ideology as the main content is based on the concept of the basic structure. social ideology is the reflection of certain social and economic forms, which reflected a certain class hardly evercial team interests and claims of the concept of system. that does not reflect the interests of certain social groups and requirements, in a class society ideology does not have a class nature, such as natural science, grammar, prim logic, these non-ideological social and cultural structure is an important part. social and cultural structure is the art of political and legal thought , virtue, religion, philosophy, science has identified a systematic standardized way of linking the formation of social viewpoints and the alphabetical system. as a cultural structure of the main part of the ideology of an ideological superstructure, which together constitute the same political structure of society the overall superstructure.
2 the nature of ideology: (1) the nature of ideology: ideology is a reflection of social existence. (2) social creature determines social consciousness, social consciousness is a reflection of the rule of social existence is The basic principle of historical materialism.
3 the comparative independence of ideological and social functions: (1) changes in the development of ideological change with the development of social existence may not entirely synchronized. (2) history of the development of ideology inheritance. (3) ideology of the social and economic structure and political structure of dynamic response.
(b) the nature and function of culture:
1 culture, including people's customs, norms, and assorted awareness intricate forms, including the nature of culture namely human .2 .3 cultural characteristics of: (1) Human-oriented fashion; (2) the ecology of society; (3) a diversity of forms.
4 Culture features: (1) information function;
(2) school, nurture and fashion the trait;
(3) the power to promote social development functions;
(4) cognitive function.
(c) civilization and culture Form
1 Civilization and Culture: culture and civilization are two closely correlated but distinct areas.
2 form of civilization.
(d) social material, political civilization and spiritual civilization and agreeable society
1 coordinated development of material civilization, it is the practice of becoming the objective earth in the form of serviceable results, showing the development of material production and economic progress;
2 political civilization, and political practice in a useful form results, expressed as social and political systems and political life of the correction;
3 spiritual civilization, meantime transforming the objective world, the formation of transformation of the subjective world of the achievements of the progress of the extravaganza of the spiritual life.
4 3 relationships: matter evolution in human society is based above the development status, political civilization and social development of people political and valid protection, construction of spiritual civilization and subserve social development in the spirit of power,toronto asian escort, ideological and mastermind assist. Civilization

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