Wednesday, April 27, 2011

you tin work to research studies

Biodiversity and Conservation
This story is one of my fancies about that, not detailed.
I am a very outspoken human, and I all think of asset very uncomplicated, In this paper, I remain so, if faults, amuse point out, thank you.
Why should biodiversity?
what we now conceived to open a enterprise, the company has many workers, such as cleaners, typists,toronto escorts, sales director, general director, leader, etc., they perform their duties, are responsible, so the company up and escaping, and it worked well. However, if there is no typists, cleaners, etc., every individuals are all, chairman of the board, while men have no one there, the company can work together? Of course not, not to say the benefits of nice.
biosphere we live in very alike locations, many of the ; people Finally,beijing massage, we produced the most intricate complicated adaptive systems. If there is no colored rule of Otherwise, this big
ascertain alternatives and the establishment of more stringent regulations
new technology is very advanced, we tin use such a condition now to build the oil, coal, iron, and so an choice, cheap, and very environmentally friendly. As how to build I have not course, but I meditation it is and the physical, chemical narrated. I'm fair throwing this answer, from a role in preoccupying expensive attitudes merely. if it is not, the use of the technology has been numerous entities to do For sample, the use of vegetation cell totipotency, only an of those precious lumber cells can be cultured for the same size trees. At that time, we do not work to the jungle tearing down trees, and merely a small piece of bark alternatively dig Abstract a small piece of leaf can train many of the same wood, and I believe it will no spend more than we have immediately broke the ecology of the capital.
society in the phase of slavery, many slave owners have been annihilate for happiness, there is still dares to kill for the sake of it? No, for the decree is too rigid a constraint. Do the wild animals we can not use the statute to impede it? we can. Although it has been some finite , but insufficient, I would have accepted a restrict of infrequent wild animals to be seen as a person, a rare wild animals killing people if sentenced to death or life imprisonment. that would have ventured to kill wild animals? but then the vigor cost is many greater than now, but I think this is value, favor a lot of people accustomed to say: on tightly to protect, or will simply not protected, otherwise it will become the Government is incompetent.

intention of biodiversity conservation is not a stuff of truth this purpose, as some people have said so noble. the conservation of biological diversity of the end or for ourselves, for our vital interests and our own if necessary, and I wager there are so many people will not protect the ecological environment. people really, selfishness to selfishness, say afraid, partial To join such a disgusting reason: further recognition, it does not matter anyhow, and human thing.
now to be divided into environmental ethics and non-anthropocentrism anthropocentrism 2 factions, specifically arguing that we protect the environment for their own behalf or for the interests of other organisms. I think that our own interests for the maximum naturalistic and, for the sake of other creatures is just a utopian phantom. After all, human selfishness and arrogance, there is virtually ever,What you do, and it can not be changed. In the original even if people think that absence of reconnaissance of the world to human does not go, this is really absurd! really do not know how the human manner this wrong accustomed. mm ah, this is a more significant question, you can go to research studies, should be and the history of philosophy.
on Bush refused to sign the This is how such short-sighted people will become president? you George W. Bush does not sign, the line ah, you want Americans are now extinct. you want to do it, but others do not want to! Even though some people want the human category, not to protect the environment, and that also have the majority, if it were not for the majority opinion, is compliant to human extinction, and that line. But the current situation is that the most people are disinclined to see the human species. So, like Bush, who it will be both assassinated or rotten eggs will be voters who spent Taiwan. In short, the United States sooner or afterward sign the They want the oil ebb in value, oil down, they want the renminbi appreciation, appreciation of Renminbi, and they want to go fight in Iraq, playing the hh so many things, all countries have to meet them, why they can not meet the other a small a small request? It is also too many buffet!
this earth truly is what people have, I truly hope one day to eradicate such people diversity.
Monkey King and the Buddha < br> There are four noted Chinese classic such a article. Monkey strength antagonism the ability, but into the Buddha's hand no longer escape to, and previously he has always been that he is the smartest, the most mighty. We humans Now there is the Monkey King as stupid, what we mention to win nature, conquering nature, we have that capability it? we are too haughty, and that led to the misadventure of today's environmental degradation. I like the indigenous Indians, who worship nature, the natural regarded as gods (our natural God disturbed the lowest classified as first-class spirits.), adapted to give them all natural. They lived in the North American continent tens of thousands of annuals, they protect the natural environment have been very good. We have reason to see down on what indigenous people? of qualifications, should they see down upon us fishes!
brief my point of view:
(1) protect the natural environment and the absence to ban nuclear arms race combat. I think this is good to do, at a time the power to obey the administration order on it. I believe that government governors are very lofty cultural class of far-sighted people, they will know the importance of protecting the environment, or how you would be the premier then?
(2) to correct from a philosophical point of outlook of mankind, to narrate people the best way to make human beings happy life is to defend the context, not the non-use of natural resources, but the sum of use. with natural zones the profits of life, preferably than natural capital to life. teaching babies about not only to thank God for giving his life, but too thank God for his life above globe had the prestige of this snug and cozy location, but also to thank the selfless Earth out of resources accessible to us. So we must adore the world to give us the resources, not injury the earth. and let the children know the tremendous value of biological diversity.
(3) We should attempt to find these non- substitute renewable resources, and a large number of creation and fabrication alternatives. this regard, I think we should open a specialized subject, do not know if there are not, I think this is very essential. Also, we can use on lumber plants totipotent cell cultivation timber, accordingly saving the existing timber.
(4) We protect the environment no matter what variety of outlook is to look at, do not speak about them, and we discuss the implementation of conservation at a time the specific policies, and how Some do not absence to argue people to protect the environment to protect the environment. There is the one that said, look for alternatives.
(5) I think the only way to forbid poaching legislation opposition poaching, should legislation disallowing the buy of rare wild animals, living die will not work, even the animals are not allowed to purchase pelt. I found that many big bosses know thatsome wild animals eat exclusively in hotels, these hotels are generally after 9:00 in the evening just open the gate, and the boss in the big metropolis to know more. We can cater a position to sell rare wild animals who give some clues to the award, and not to be named. (of course, must validate that such information is true) < br> I base a heap of of attribute employer and he knew the bargain of sites proportional to the digit of wild beasts, merely there are exceptional individuals, such for the huge foreman is a environmentalist.
(6) Diversity Information System's overall objective is, through the accumulation, collation and propaganda of domestic and worldwide research on biodiversity, conservation and sustainable use of the message, and amplify the scope of biological diversity and content of information interchange, enhancing citizen and international unions and individuals in all hikes of life cooperation in this field, in the entire society of wisdom within the spread of biological diversity for the state and regional decision-making ministries by all levels of technological file on biodiversity and the improvement of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of the development.
I think this is not good, the science developed in the adult diplomatic countries, but their biological diversity, along to the information pushed by, meet our current situation in China? Do the consequences of this revolution will not be copied as the year the consequences of the Russian October Revolution do?
bibliography and web sites (not all of the references are written along authors and publishers appoint)
1 Society publishing, Title IV, diversity and sustainability.
2 use of biodiversity Notes from the onlooker, , Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House. (see network search, there are e-books)
6 , is the orthodox roles)
Nature Reserve, Biodiversity dossier
Biodiversity Institute, Fudan University
China Environment Ecology Network

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