Wednesday, April 27, 2011

yet likewise not an tin shirk death

Galactic Federation】 【
Montague Keen 2011 年 2 information dated 6
[Resources / Web Editor / Lily]
the awakening of our commitment is taking place, people are eventually awakening to what they is jailed of light in the gloom there, trust me, once the light is found and identified, they will never return (to be imprisoned in the dark). to see people obtain according with the same goal live reunion, to eradicate corruption leaders and their people try to create a better future, is a smart thing. As I said before, this will be done, power will be really the bottom of the pyramid with the people, you are now watching to its place. When people come together for truce and prevalent quest for justice, religious and political is no longer important, people's power will be in operation.
the energy they create is lusty, for creating change , pistols and bombards is not essential, it is momentous that people no longer controlled by those who fear, and walk together. control of creating fear, whether you accept that is your (time of decision) of the. for all who quest truth and judge, their brave deeds are a level.
to deceive the people to adopt their mastery, and planted a digit of people, amuse pray for the people of Egypt will not be misled to approve the Egyptian those puppet enemy placement. they must study every chancellor wants to allow themselves to be in the person's backdrop and their low level, so that in appending to requirements that are not patriotic to the people of Egypt puppet chancellor to step down, they have not choice. pray people will see via the propaganda, select wisely.
dear, physically with you this week so happy, I calculate you need it, it requires a lot of stamina, so I can not do this also often, but it brings us both delight. I still favor the casual wonder you. I'm pleased I saw you celebrate my birthday, thank you. Now, it was brought to you here so you can advance our work. You are your co-creators of the world, all of you to the truth and love have to create a true worth of the world, but not possess, and the power of the world. When you have love, you have everything you and I know the true meaning of love and how the averaging of life in love.
through love, you will once afresh find who you actually are, once afresh joined with the source of the psyche, because it opens the gate leadership to the light and guide you out (oneself) self-made jail, you will enjoy before you not know freedom. This is a great time of change, be brave,toronto escorts, go with it, you will experience life like never before. away from the bondage of control, along into the light associated with the joy of your center.
accept the current starting, all it period for a change. the dingy forces who are planning to try to destroy your trust in the character of the photographer and the children they plan to use to create some scenarios, to David Ike was innocent pictures of children and adults, they will try to suggest David was a pedophile, naught can be beyond from the truth, they tried their best course to discredit him, and they fall to the point, this only shows how much they fear him.
know all there is light This is not true, who will expose their corruption, if they will proceed a life dedicated to fact and light, people do this abominable intend. They do a lot of work to attempt to destroy you darling, only the feeble and insecure people afraid to go against them, their absence of spine. you have a meeting this week, that would be better than you expect, this is our part of the maneuver. they are happening bring ... to an endthe world to know much better than you anticipate. there will be real friendship and respect to you.
We are committed to the truth will be exposed and dealt with. Corruption is prodigious, mosque, political leaders and people confidence the union that will be exposed, it is a large-scale fraud , when it has been exposed, to see what steps will be taken to discourage the truth being presented to the masses is very interesting. see by those who would try to control the position is a secret ...... even corrupt forces will too be no hiding place ,.... even now they run justice, but also no 1 can dodge decease, and then there is no escape, they will have to face the consequences of their corruption.
be removed when the corruption , folk will merely nightmare approximately ahead the next to create their globe. you do today will aid establish such a world, you are willing to your children grow up here, you, yes, you reserve always the light There are to be selected to send the people of the world.
you loved, esteemed, when you are act all you do is for guidance, the maximum there is to choose your return to Earth, so that alterations tin be accomplished immediately, this That's why you all come attach, even whereas you in many another countries, you are all the same expanse of light and love, your light is inflating, it is to detect all the Beings of Light.
as the world is pile up people find their own voice and talk out, entities will change, at a time all memorize, you are the bulk, they are the minority. their malign plans will not succeed unless you help them, they can not do it alone, They absence you ...... 2011 will certify to be one interesting year, there will be many changes, some are normal, some are man-made, but you have now studied to recognize the distinction, this is a quite excellent progress, and you are not fooled so lightly.
always remember, love is your greatest asset and convenience of us here mail to all of you a lot of love, we will for you, always here. Dear , in this week, you have encountered some interesting people, this is fair the beginning,shanghai escort, our plan is great, we will succeed. love your husband, Monty.
welcome to reprint so that more people
you can see the carbon footprint per human per annual concern:
meatless vegetarian can significantly reduce the carbon footprint
1. carnivore's carbon emissions equivalent to driving 4758 km to pedal a middle car; < br> 2. vegetarians carbon emissions equivalent to driving 2427 km to drive a medium car, approximately half;
3. vegan diet's carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized car traveling 629 kilometers, is a carnivore's 7 points 1, less 87%;
4. Organic Vegan carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized car traveling 281 kilometers, less than pork eaters 94%;
5. Organic Vegan 94% can reduce carbon emissions and decrease greenhouse Gas, Go Green, Save the Earth.
you and me from the start!
solve global warming crisis,they solemnly affirm namely they founded the real intention of a bird field, the most direct and efficacious and free way to
is organic vegan diet!
Copenhagen phoned vegetarian star feedback to carbon cutback
renowned artists: Gao Yuanyuan, Liang Tao, Zeng Li, Zheng Jun, Back Dorm Boys,
Peng Tan, Terry Lin, jointly fired dragon wide environmental public publication
Love Tip:
pure vegetarian diet you choose, do not use productions including animal elements,
beasts and retention lives, defend the context, retention the planet!!
FAO: cattle product than in vehicle more greenhouse gases. Please vegetarian, make a contribution to the universal environment!

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